TAG Plan
William Walker School TAG Plan
Philosophy Statement
The staff at William Walker Elementary School is committed to meeting the educational needs of each student. Through an integrated, challenging and rigorous curriculum offered through a variety of learning styles, students will be empowered to discover the joy of learning. Teachers will engage in ongoing student assessments to determine and ensure continuous learning occurs. The pathway which students will travel towards their learning will be varied while encouraging inquiry, world connections and growth over time.
Documentation Plan
The TAG Planning Worksheet will be used by all classroom teachers to record their academic plans for identified TAG students. Parents will be formally given the opportunity to give input in writing regarding their child’s TAG plan each fall and spring. The plan created on the worksheets will act as a road map specifying a student’s rate and level in key academic areas and outlining corresponding plans for instructional strategies.
A variety of tools will be used to assess student achievement to ensure that TAG students are placed appropriately in the curriculum to meet their rate and level. These tools include, but are not limited to:
Pre and post tests
Student conferences
Work samples and projects
Standardized testing information: OSAS, ITBS, CogAT, NNAT2
Kingore Information Inventory (KOI) assessments conducted by classroom teachers in the fall of each year. Students will be observed for six weeks and results tallied. In addition, these tools will also be used for identification purposes.
The results of these assessments will be recorded by the classroom teacher and maintained in one of the following locations:
Student portfolio
Student collection of evidence
Test scores
Parent recommendation
Differentiated Curriculum/Instructional Strategies
Differentiated curriculum will be used to meet the rate and level of TAG students. Teachers will use a variety of instructional strategies depending on the needs of the students and the academic content area, including but not limited to:
Differentiated assignments to promote higher order thinking
Interdisciplinary curriculum across several disciplines
Extension activities
Complex/abstract materials
Research/Inquiry projects
Curriculum compacting
Accelerated instruction
Individualized contracts
Cluster/flexible grouping
Independent study/projects
Higher order thinking and questioning strategies
Individual instruction
Individual learning style emphasis
School Options/Enrichment Opportunities
Students will have the opportunity to participate in:
District Spelling Bee
Math Kangaroo, Global Math Day
Portland Writing Conference
District and Community writing/art/STEM contests
Staff Development Opportunities
Inquiry model of instruction
Differentiated Instruction Training
Use of technology and internet resources
District TAG facilitator presentations
Communication with staff and parents include the following:
Saturday Academy bulletin
Notification in the school newsletter of upcoming District TAG speakers or workshops for parents
Ongoing communication with staff regarding TAG processes and procedures.
Sharing of TAG-related groups in the community or on social forums (example, OTAG, Hoagies Gifted and Talented Page, etc.)
Workshop is a teaching structure that…
Brings in authentic work for students to do
Puts the majority of the thinking work on the students
Allows for students to receive feedback and set personal goals for themselves
Allows students to push themselves further
Reading Voraciously: The Reading Workshop offers students the opportunity to read books at their independent reading level. Volume & choice are key to moving a child up in levels of text complexity.
Small Group Work/Conferring: Students work on individual reading goals, based on teacher feedback, that will challenge their thinking and support reading success.
Writing Voraciously: The Writing Workshop offers students the opportunity to engage in authentic writing tasks at their individual level. Like reading, volume & choice are key to growth.
Small Group Work/Conferring: Students work on individual writing goals, based on teacher feedback, that will improve their craft.
Math Talk: Students are pushed to find the most efficient way to solve (beyond just using an algorithm)
Work Time: Students work on meaty problems that allow for multiple solution pathways or multiple answers
Closing: Students work to articulate their thinking to others
Strategies for Advanced Learners
Provide opportunities for students to work with mind-alike peers in small groups (book clubs, math tasks)
Ask questions that promote mathematical discourse
Give a new answer to a problem and ask students to define the new question
Create tasks based on thinking skill, content, and product
Offer the most difficult questions first
Check student understanding at the end of a lesson with exit slips